Sweet sweet Friday: Lemon Cake

Part of the joy of cooking is found in the planning and anticipation, but sometimes life gets in the way. Like on Tuesday night, when I had to whip up an emergency birthday cake between getting home from work, getting the Small Girl’s dinner, putting her to bed, putting on two loads of washing and getting out the door again less than 90 minutes later.
Did I panic? No (well, ok, I panicked a tiny bit). But then I remembered Julie’s Aunty Ade’s Lemon Cake. It was done in a flash, even with the Small Girl “helping”. Actually, she’s getting quite good at it, and she doesn’t even want to lick the spoon. Perhaps I could start her on doing the dishes next…

Quick Lemon Cake

This needs a food processor, because “Not Quite So Quick Cake” doesn’t have the same ring to it. I’ve never met Julie’s Aunty Ade,but she’s obviously a clever woman.

2 lemons

1 1/2 cups caster sugar

2 eggs

3/4 cup canola oil

pinch of salt

1 cup yoghurt

3Tbsp lemon juice

2 cups self-raising flour

Preheat the oven to 180C and grease and line a 24cm cake tin (it will cook even faster in a ring tin, but a springform tin will lessen the anxiety when it comes to turning it out).

Peel the zest from the lemons with a potato peeler and put in the processor with the sugar. Whizz for about a minute, until the lemon peel is pulverised. Stop the machine and add the eggs, oil and salt. Whizz again until smooth. Add the yoghurt, lemon juice and flour and pulse until smooth.

Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 35-40 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes then turn out of the tin. Then, either ice when cold, or serve with a dollop of Greek yoghurt. Or, wrap the tin in a teatowel, throw in the car and drive across town. Stop at supermarket for candles. Arrive, pretending to be unhurried, super-organised working mother. Then realise your friends know you better than that!

Have a sweet, sweet Friday everyone. I’m going to spend it recovering from my first experience of cooking on live TV, which you can see here. (Note to self: horizontal stripes = bad idea!)



  1. July 28, 2011 / 7:59 pm

    Oh it sounds delicious!! And I'm impressed with your efficiency…I'm not so efficient but I'm learning to be (my boy is 6 months old now). Thanks for a great read! x

  2. July 28, 2011 / 8:11 pm

    I love any cake that's lemon so this sounds great. Enjoyed watching your TV clips.

  3. July 28, 2011 / 9:01 pm

    That is exactly the type of cake that I love: quick, easy, and minimal bowls… and all the easier for the kids to wash up 😉
    x Rhi

    ps. Have you got a microplane? I can't imagine zesting a lemon without one, they're brilliant.

  4. July 28, 2011 / 9:43 pm

    I have nothing but respect for Aunty Ade – there's not much nicer than a quick and delicious cake and I love lemon cakes.
    Loved the t.v. appearance – especially since you made my favourite healthy muffins. Well done you.

  5. July 29, 2011 / 12:35 am

    Another good use for my greta lemon tree which gives me joy whole year around.And your cake looks like a joy;)

  6. July 29, 2011 / 8:20 am

    great cake (wish i had a processor) and GREAT clip! I thought that your dress was fabulous (and your recipes too!!) What a great opportunity and plug for your work!! Have a fantastic weekend 🙂

  7. July 29, 2011 / 10:47 am

    Woo hoo Lucy!!! Stripes on you? Fab-u-lous! You are a natural.. a star! Made my day.

  8. July 29, 2011 / 11:12 am

    This looks like a great recipe – I bet the yogurt keeps it nice and moist!

  9. July 29, 2011 / 1:59 pm

    Great cake and I'm amazed at how organised you are. Just off to watch you cook!

  10. July 29, 2011 / 3:07 pm

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  11. July 29, 2011 / 5:06 pm

    please make me 'not so quick cake' next time… I want that, not this piece of pure perfection… but something less perfect and slower… god damn you woman!

  12. July 30, 2011 / 12:15 am

    wonderwoman! this will be monday morning tea for my colleagues, thank you very much 🙂

  13. July 30, 2011 / 7:30 am

    Wonder woman indeed! I'd be lucky to do any one of those things in 90 mins! Not to mention my washing machine takes about 2 hours for one load!!! Fab cake, I hope the recipients fully appreciated all your efforts.

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