Welly on a plate

Welly on a plate

Welly on a plate

Wibble wobble

Wibble wobble

Welly on a plate

Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Tomorrow marks the start of Wellington On A Plate 2011 – 17 days of culinary heaven involving beer, blind dining, burgers, cupcakes, cocktails, canapes, chocolate, demonstrations, degustations, dinner deals, fashion shows, a hummus contest, kitchen tours, long lunches, martinis, an amazing Masterclass, offal, oysters, pasta and pastry making, pies, pinot noir, truffles and a look at zoo food (among other things). I’ve been so immersed in writing about the festival for work that I now feel a bit like you do when you’ve cooked an epic feast. Yes, it all looks lovely, but I’ll happily settle for a cup of tea and a lie down!

However, if you like the look of this lovely apron and teatowel, you can buy your own here or you can stay tuned because I might, just might, have some goodies to giveaway when The Kitchenmaid turns one next week… In the meantime, are you attending any Wellington On A Plate festivities? What are you looking forward to?



  1. August 4, 2011 / 12:01 am

    Not going to any events but will be making the most of the special menus. Big sister Becs is coming up from Chch next week and we've got 36 hours of eating planned down to morning and afternoon teas! All our Wellington favs: Nikau, Boulcott Street Bistro & Cafe Polo plus a couple more… intended to have a weekend of restraint in preparation but then I remembered I have a ticket to Beervana on Saturday…

  2. August 4, 2011 / 7:57 am

    A really good friend who I used to live in London with now lives in Wellington…and the best coffee I have found in Edinburgh is from Wellington Coffee shop…and I am wearing my wellingtons daily during all the rain we are having…

    Sounds like a fantastic festival to look forward to (and write about)…I am looking forward to our friends coming up to visit us and showing them OUR Edinburgh…parents staying in September and anything new and foodie to come!

  3. August 4, 2011 / 9:22 am

    Woowoo! Can't wait for Ruth Pretty's Food, Frocks and Frivolity event next weekend. And will be trying out a few new restaurants while the good deals are on 🙂

  4. August 4, 2011 / 10:53 am

    Oh, so funny! I was just singing along with you! What a life, parties in kitchens… sounds divine! My favourite pasttime complete with where I spend most of my waking hours… 😉 xx

  5. August 4, 2011 / 5:18 pm

    Sounds like a lot of food fun coming your way, can't wait to read your posts!

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