The Black Forest Sandwich

Want to see what I had for lunch the other day?

This is a Black Forest sandwich – my entry for Urban Harvest’s inaugural sandwich competition.
I took two slices of Simply Paris chocolate bread and slathered them with cream cheese, then added slices of black doris plum (I initially wanted to use cherries, but they’re now out of season until next Christmas, sob!). Then I sliced and toasted a handful of almonds and scattered them on top. A light dusting of icing sugar and voila, a sandwich so good I ate it all greedily before remembering that I needed to photograph it as well.

If you’re a luncheon sausage and tomato sauce sort of sandwich eater, then this obviously isn’t the thing for you. But if you’re a fan of luscious chocolate bread, tangy cream cheese, juicy plums and crunchy almonds, you’re going to love it. Excuse me while I go and make another one for breakfast…

The Urban Harvest sandwich comp closes this week. Find out more here. (And if you REALLY think it looks good, please go here and ‘Like’ it. Thanks!



  1. February 27, 2012 / 6:32 pm

    Lucy, Great sandwich you made here. It happens to me all the time: I eat it and then remember that I forgot to take pictures! 🙂

  2. February 27, 2012 / 7:25 pm

    I love it – that is my kind of sandwich. Might have to get some of that chocolate bread…

  3. February 27, 2012 / 8:49 pm

    chocolate bread!!!!??!!!! this looks incredible!!

  4. February 27, 2012 / 10:54 pm

    Fascinating and delicious sandwich. I was so surprised that I dropped the luncheon sausage out of my sandwich.

  5. February 27, 2012 / 11:59 pm

    Now that's "what I call" a sandwich. Such fun!

  6. February 28, 2012 / 8:07 am

    Since you call a sandwich I will feel no guilt having one for lunch. Have liked your entry on FB

  7. February 28, 2012 / 11:26 am

    I always feel my sandwiches are boring….not anymore! Thanks 😀

  8. February 29, 2012 / 12:30 am

    This most certainly is my kind of sandwich!

  9. March 1, 2012 / 8:45 am

    Holy, holy moly. That is one heck of a sandwich. I recently overlooked the chocolate bread at Simply Paris in favour of the fig, walnut and raisin. That was delicious too, but now I clearly have to go back for the chocolate bread.

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