Parmigiano and prosciutto

This might sound strange, given I earn my living by tapping away at a keyboard, but one of my resolutions for 2013 is to spend less time online. It’s so easy now to get caught in the interweb that some days I feel I spend more time interacting with virtual life than the real thing. That doesn’t mean I’ll be giving up entirely – I mean, I have this blog to feed, delectable things like this to marvel at and a shoe habit to maintain – but I want to spend more time doing things that don’t require a broadband connection. Pottering about in the kitchen with friends over the holidays was a good reminder of the benefits of actual reality.

Parmigiano e prosciutto alla Bess
This was one of the things lovely Bess whipped up for our New Year’s Eve feast. Her brother, a chef who divides his time between Martha’s Vineyard and New Zealand, taught it to her and in an ideal world, I’d be at your place making it for you. Instead, invite someone over to your place and show them how to make it.

a small block of Parmigiano Reggiano (or best local equivalent)
a packet of prosciutto (or best local equivalent)
extra virgin olive oil (I have been using this delicious fennel-infused Wairarapa oil)

Lay the slices of prosciutto on a flat plate. Grate over the cheese, then drizzle with the oil. Serve with glasses of prosecco (or best local equivalent). Cheers!

What foodie trick have you learned in ‘real life’ lately?



  1. January 8, 2013 / 8:53 pm

    Amen to offline. This is just the perfect simple lunch recipe that deserves to be treasured in the sun. If we had any right now. Hoping to see you offline soon!

  2. January 9, 2013 / 1:30 pm

    A very good new year's resolution! And recipe sounds delicious, specially the prosecco bit!

  3. January 9, 2013 / 5:43 pm

    Fennel infused olive oil sounds rather wonderful. It would probably do my brain good to be away from a computer every now and then, but I'm not quite sure I'm capable of it…This looks gorgeous, I love how little you have to do to prosciutto to make it amazing.

  4. January 10, 2013 / 9:22 pm

    You are so right. I always make that same resolution after each time I come back from France where the internet is sooo slow I entirely give up. Unfortunately, I then get back into it as it is sooo fast here. But, now that I have a few teaching jobs on the cards I think my addiction will be balanced out by work……can't give up my blog but paid work must now take front seat! Happy New Year, this is a starter I would always go far x

  5. January 10, 2013 / 10:42 pm

    What a great resolution! I hate how technology is taking over these days. I wish that I had the power to do it! Wonderful dish to serve for sharing! Happy New Year 🙂

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