Halloumi, peach and pepper salad

Late last year I got my arm twisted into a podcast interview with the lovely Natalie Cutler-Welsh from If Only They Had Told Me. Now, this is nothing against Natalie, but it was probably a mistake to do it after a very long, stressful day at work. It was probably even more of a mistake to do it while reclining with a glass of wine. I’m hoping that’s the reason why I sound like a garbled fool who can barely remember her own name. If I sound like that all the time, well, I guess I have a voice best suited for print.

But every cloud has a silver lining and one of the best bits about recording the podcast was that Natalie, a non-cook, told me about a salad her friend had made that night involving halloumi and peaches. I can’t bear to go back and listen to the podcast, but I’ve managed to make my version of the salad. Without a hint of shame, here it is.

Halloumi Peach And Mint Salad Photo Credit: Lucy Corry/The Kitchenmaid

Halloumi, peach and pepper salad

We always have a packet of halloumi in the fridge. It’s a guaranteed insta-meal for those times when there seems to be nothing else to eat. Peaches and red peppers are both in plentiful supply at the moment – and this salad is the perfect combination of sweet, salty, soft and crunchy. 

250g halloumi, patted dry and sliced into 1cm-thick pieces

2 ripe peaches, washed and sliced into wedges

2 red peppers, washed, deseeded and sliced

a handful of fresh mint, shredded

a good squeeze of fresh lemon juice

2-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Panfry the halloumi in a non-stick pan until golden brown on the outside. Remove from the pan and slice each piece into two, lengthways. Let cool briefly.

Put the peaches and peppers in a bowl, then toss through the mint, lemon juice and olive oil. Drape the halloumi on top. Grind over some black pepper and serve. Makes a small side salad for four or a light lunch for two.



  1. March 3, 2014 / 11:16 am

    oh that looks so good – I haven't had haloumi for so long but this is just the sort of way I want to eat it – before peaches disappear from our lives for autumn

    • March 4, 2014 / 7:43 pm

      Peaches are one of the few truly seasonal pleasures left, aren't they? A bit like the fruit version of asparagus. I always forget how good they are (which is probably just as well or I'd be mourning them all year).

  2. March 3, 2014 / 1:54 pm

    oh halloumi, how I love thee… let me count the ways… god this looks rather splendid and I love the idea of the saltiness of the grilled halloumi with the sweet sweet peach… gorgeous!

  3. March 3, 2014 / 11:18 pm

    I used to really like halloumi and then, around 5 or 6 years ago, everyone (and I do mean everyone) I knew started to make salads with it under the influence of Nigella and I just couldn't look at it any longer. You've made me remember how good it really is. Peaches and peppers – I'm sold on that. I agree that it's always a mistake to do things while reclining with a glass of wine and I should know. What do you think I'm doing now?

    • March 4, 2014 / 7:42 pm

      I know exactly what you mean – about the same time ago here you couldn't move at a barbeque for all the halloumi slices lined up on the hotplate, soaking up lots of meaty juices (while the vegetarians pretended to avert their eyes!)

  4. March 5, 2014 / 9:50 am

    A PERFECT pairing and as a fully paid up member of the halloumi and peach club, this salad looks amazing Lucy! Karen

  5. March 6, 2014 / 2:34 am

    i would never think to serve this combination – how intriguing, sweet peaches and salty halloumi (the capsicum i get). wow.

  6. March 24, 2014 / 11:39 pm

    What a great idea to combine these three items together–actually, make that four, because the mint also sounds like a brilliant idea.

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