The perfect chocolate smoothie

I don’t want to jinx things, but we are having the best winter ever. There are tomatoes growing in my garden, despite heavy frosts and gusts of wind that feel like they’ve blown straight from Antarctica. A work colleague whose house is hooked up to solar panels says they have more battery power now than they did in mid-summer. It’s not exactly t-shirt and jandals weather, but the sun is out and the days are crisp and clear.

The weather is so good that on Monday, to celebrate the start of the school holidays, we had chocolate smoothies for breakfast. On Friday, to celebrate the last day of term, we had chocolate porridge. I’m a strong contender for Mum Of The Year, don’t you think?

Dairy Free Chocolate Smoothie No Refined Sugar

The perfect chocolate smoothie

The ingredients for these smoothies came from The Big Fair Bake, a Fairtrade initiative designed to showcase the many wonderful ways you can a) support Fairtrade and b) use Fairtrade ingredients. Supporting Fairtrade seems like a no-brainer to me – it’s getting easier all the time to find fairly traded and produced things all the time and I like the idea that I am (in a tiny way, admittedly) helping other families while doing something nice for my own. While The Big Fair Bake is, as the name suggests, all about baking, this is a so-hot-right-now option that doesn’t require you to turn on the oven or even the elements. Now that’s what I call the perfect holiday breakfast.

400ml coconut milk (the Trade Aid one is delicious!)

3 Tbsp good quality cocoa powder

1 Tbsp honey (or more to taste, if you like things really sweet)

3 very ripe bananas, peeled, cut into chunks and frozen

Put everything in a blender and blitz to form a smooth and frothy mixture. Divide between two tall glasses and serve. Pink straws optional, unless you live in my house.



  1. July 8, 2014 / 5:46 pm

    coconut milk chocolate smoothie… um… YES please… glad your winter is going well. x

    • July 15, 2014 / 7:52 am

      I spoke too soon – it's now wet and cold and miserable. Blah!

  2. July 8, 2014 / 9:07 pm

    Chocolate smoothie, liking it so much. Nice change from all the green smoothies about! Good to read that you are having a good winter, not my fave season, i love the autumn.

    • July 15, 2014 / 7:52 am

      Yes, no where near as virtuous as a green smoothie though!

  3. July 11, 2014 / 8:16 pm

    Umm, tomatoes in your garden? Lucky you. Mine are in my freezer – garden looks shocking too although I shall be planting seeds in three weeks time for new season. Must get back into smoothies – my blender blew a gasket and need to replace.

    • July 15, 2014 / 7:50 am

      I think the tomatoes are proof that there is something seriously wrong with the weather. My blueberry bushes are flowering too. Mental. My stick blender is on its last legs – do you think it's a conspiracy?

  4. July 11, 2014 / 9:02 pm

    Chocolate loveliness for breakfast – how very luxurious. I must go and get some pink straws.

    • July 15, 2014 / 7:51 am

      You mean you don't have any pink straws? Phil, I'm surprised at you!

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