Ice cream daze

I don’t want to be a weather bore, but Wellington is having the most dismal summer ever. I mean, really. On Monday I was so cold at work I had to borrow a jacket destined for the lost property box. On Tuesday I ended up buying a winter coat. On Wednesday I wore it. Yesterday it rained so hard I had to wring my wet clothes out when I got home – and that was after sitting in the car for AN HOUR because the weather wreaked havoc on the traffic. Harrumph.

Tangelo and cinnamon sorbet. Yum!

But today the sun has come out and it seems like the long weekend might even be fine. Ish. Which means it might be more appropriate to tell you about the Three Ways With Frozen Treats column I wrote two weeks ago. Here it is, for your reading pleasure. Bonus points if you can identify the model in the photo.

Have a great weekend, everyone. May the sun shine on you, wherever you are!



  1. February 3, 2017 / 9:20 am

    Hope the sun shines on the long weekend and you can put away that coat and eat some ice cream (such a cute model)

  2. February 4, 2017 / 7:22 am

    We have had seven days of rain, today is the eighth! but its expected where we are tis winter. Wishing you have a sunnier and enjoyable weekend.

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