My creative space…

Occasionally the KitchenMaid steps out of her usual realm and into other domains. This week I’ve gone back to working in an office with other, real life people, for two days a week. This has had its ups and its downs, as I’m sure you can imagine. The ups – leaving the house alone, wearing nice(ish) clothes, having uninterrupted conversations with adults who see me as something other than a mother. The downs – having a bit of separation anxiety, worrying if I have done the right thing, being suddenly answerable to a real life boss. The even further downs of this week – getting home last night to find the gas company had cut the supply, thus no hot water and no way of cooking the Small Girl’s dinner (hello, Marmite sandwiches!), realising that those bites we are all studded with are, in fact, fleas (thank you, landlord’s cat!)

On a brighter note, the weekends we spent digging up a strip of our tiny backyard are paying off, with little lettuces and basil beginning to sprout.

The garden has been a bit of a joint creative space in recent weeks – now we just need some good weather to enjoy it. What’s happening at your place this week? You can see more creative spaces here. In the meantime, anyone know a child-friendly way to kill fleas?



  1. November 4, 2010 / 5:06 am

    Oh, KM, you've perfectly summed up how I feel about being a working mother! It never goes away, but we make our peace with it. Hope it all goes well (and your hard work gets the gas back on pronto!). x

  2. November 5, 2010 / 7:27 am

    I enjoyted reading about your garden and look forward to seeing more as it progresses.

    Work – It sure is another world. I wear presentable clothing too, but when I get home I jump into my scruffs and love the familiar things around me, my things.

  3. November 8, 2010 / 6:33 am

    Eeek – fleas! Hooray – vegetables!!

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