Be my guest: Belleau Kitchen

Like many people I follow more blogs than I can ever hope to keep track of on a daily, or even weekly, basis. But there are some I check in with nearly every day because I’ve come to think of them, however embarrassingly, as my friends.
Top of this list is dear Dom from Belleau Kitchen. I ‘met’ Dom through Choclette (another favourite) and I fell in love with his blog instantly. Now I’d like you to meet him – but I have to warn you that his blog will lead you to more lovely people and their various projects. There’s no way you’re going to be on time for anything once you start reading it…

Chicken thigh Yakitori      Image: Belleau Kitchen

What’s your blog about?I guess my blog is really about my life but with hefty helpings of what I cook thrown in. I’m hugely influenced by where I live, in the heart of the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds, as I’m surrounded by a plethora of wonderful fresh produce and some very inventive producers.

When did you start it? Why?
I started in May 2010 after watching Julie and Julia on the aeroplane back from visiting my dad in California. Belleau Kitchen was born the next day.

Do you have any culinary training or professional experience?
No, I regard myself as a cook, not a chef and I think that anyone can make the stuff I make – although I did once go on a ‘Cooking for Money’ course, learning how to run a catering business.

Pumpkin, walnut and white chocolate loaf cake           Image: Belleau Kitchen

Who are your food heroes?
My Mum – naturally – then Delia Smith, Keith Floyd and Dave Smith who makes cider at Skidbrooke Farm in North Lincolnshire. He is my hero because he works so damn hard to make such a lovely product.

What are your three favourite posts on your blog?
My first-ever post– it’s embarrassingly naïve.
My wild garlic and mushroom quiche– I love quiche – and my post about a very large birthday cake. It gets the most views every week, even now.

Wild garlic and mushroom quiche       Image: Belleau Kitchen       

Tell us about another blog you love.
I want to live with Susan in her Spice Garden.

Masterchef and TV food shows: hot or not?
Do not get me started on food programmes – they are a pile of s**t at the moment and if we’re not careful they will die a death… I HATE food programmes and I’ve been on some of the s**t ones, so I should know!

Who do you cook for?
Me, The Viking, the neighbours and anyone who heaps praise on me.

A very large birthday cake                                          Image: Belleau Kitchen

 What’s for dinner tonight?
Cake – I’m at mums and it’s late and I forgot to eat but she always has a slice of cake on the go somewhere…



  1. November 6, 2012 / 8:25 pm

    I love Dom's blog too, he is such a good cook and tells a good tale.
    Again, I have been enjoying all your latest recipes and mostly love the idea of getting people cooking again. That chicken dish should be the way to do it. All in one recipe and tasting delicious with little effort.
    I am amazed at how few people cook now but hopefully things will come full circle. Hope this isn't just me being idealistic but they could certainly do more of it at school for a start!

  2. November 6, 2012 / 10:58 pm

    Well Dom's led me to some strange places with his Random Recipe challenge but I'm not complaining. If there's anyone out there not reading Belleau Kitchen, then, frankly, sort your life out and start. Can't quite believe there are no chicken thighs in his favourite posts, though.

  3. November 7, 2012 / 5:14 am

    awww… I love this interview. I love Dom's blog as well and thank you Lucy for introducing us sometime ago! I hope we can all meet up one day 🙂

  4. November 7, 2012 / 6:59 am

    EXACTLY, Phil – I couldn't believe Dom didn't nominate a chicken thigh recipe either, so I did it for him!

  5. November 7, 2012 / 8:19 am

    Why didn't I nominate a chicken thigh recipe? I'm going slowly mad. I feel quite humbled by this post. I apologise for the swearing and it reads like I'm shouting too. Thank you Lucy. You are a gem xx

  6. November 8, 2012 / 7:54 am

    Thanks for sharing this interview Lucy…Those chicken thighs look delicious. I always have a giggle when I read Dom's blog.

  7. November 8, 2012 / 8:43 pm

    I can't believe that Dom left his thighs of the list, what was he thinking! A lovely guest to feature Lucy and this is post is one reason I love blogging to much, the friendship that exists between other bloggers! Karen

  8. November 8, 2012 / 9:26 pm

    Ah Lucy, thank you. I do like your be my guest posts and this one is a particularly good one as we all love Dom. Thank you also for the mention and kind words which have put a smile on my face after a rather trying few hours.

  9. November 12, 2012 / 9:41 pm

    i must go over and have a proper look – thank you for the pointer! i love Q and As like this, they're so insightful.

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