Treat me: Banana Oaties

Strange I know, but sometimes there is such a thing as too much sugar. These little cookies, on the other hand, are so virtuous that they’re practically candidates for canonisation. There’s no sugar, no dairy and no wheat – but plenty of flavour thanks to sweet, ripe bananas and sticky, chewy dates.

Sugar Free Banana Oaty Cookies

They’re an excellent snack for little people and make a good breakfast substitute for big people on the go. Actually, if you overcook them you could crumble them into a bowl and call it muesli. Otherwise, eat with a glass of cold milk.

Banana Oaties

3 very ripe bananas

2 cups rolled oats

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup dates, chopped

3 dsp peanut butter/tahini

4 dsp canola oil

Turn the oven to 170C fan bake.

Mash the bananas to a slurry, then stir in all the remaining ingredients until well combined. Leave to sit for 15 minutes (the mixture, not you – though this is the perfect opportunity for a cup of tea and the crossword). Drop tablespoon-sized heaps onto a lined baking tray (you’ll need two trays). These cookies don’t spread in the oven so nestle them up nice and close. Bake for about 20 minutes, until lightly golden brown. Remove to a rack to cool, then store in an airtight container. Makes about 25.

Have a sweet weekend, everyone x



  1. September 10, 2010 / 12:25 am

    My girls would love these, they go crazy for bananas. There are never any ripe one left in our house, so making these would be hard.
    Unfortunately, I can't eat bananas anymore, they make me feel sick.

  2. September 10, 2010 / 6:42 am

    Mmmm. I'll be making these sometime soon. They look scrummy.

  3. September 10, 2010 / 7:32 am

    This is very healthy cookies….all the wholesome goodness there. Would be so good with a cup of milk. Thanks very much for sharing. Hope you have a lovely Friday. MaryMoh at

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