We Should Cocoa: Coffee Round-up

Excuse me if I seem a little wired, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting nearly 50 We Should Cocoa entries this month. Who could have anticipated mixing coffee and chocolate would be so popular?

Here’s part one of the round-up…

Hannah from Corner Cottage Bakery whipped up these Mocha Mousse Pots for the sole reason of showing off her beautiful weddng gift espresso cups. If ever there was a reason to get married, these cups would be it, don’t you think?

Mocha Mousse Pots

Janice from Farmersgirl Kitchen won me over with this Chocca Mocha Date and Walnut Loaf, which looks remarkably like something my mum used to make, albeit with more chocolate, coffee and, err, walnuts.

Chocca Mocha Date & Walnut Loaf

It is a truth universally acknowledged – at least by Kit at Lost in Austen – that Coffee Cheesecake is an ideal Father’s Day treat (whatever would Mrs Bennett have thought of that?) and this one certainly looks worth a novel in its honour.

Coffee Cheesecake

Ros, aka The More Than Occasional Baker, turned a gift package from Joy the Baker into these Deep Dark Mocha Cupcakes. As a big fan of Joy’s blog I can’t wait to try these (ahem, Ros, let me know if you want my address).

Deep Dark Mocha Cupcakes

Just when it was all getting a bit too decadent, Linzi from Lancashire Food swung by with this Fruity Mocha Vegan Cake. Right on, sister!

Fruity Mocha Vegan Cake

But then Caroline from Caroline Makes turned up with a trayful of Toffee Walnut Blondies and the calorie-fest continued. I love blondies. And Blondie. Don’t you?

Toffee Walnut Blondies

Jo from Food, Travel, Life made her We Should Cocoa debut with these homemade Oreos, which she learned to make as an au pair in the US. How cool is that? You’re welcome any time, Jo!


Cakeboule celebrated surviving a wet week in a restored VW camper by making these Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies. If the brownies don’t get you, the pics of the camper will. It’s gorgeous.

Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies
Triple Chocolate Mocha Brownies

Mel at Sharky Oven Gloves also went in for brownies, though no brownie points for her after she accidentally fed her Coffee and Walnut Brownies to some small children. (They survived, but their parents may still be bearing emotional scars.)

Coffee & Walnut Brownies

On the subject of children – a topic always dear to my heart – Wartegganziantep  let her 15-month-old twins sample her Choco Coffee Cookies and they loved them. What a brave woman.

Choco Coffee Cookies

Busy mum-of-three Michelle at Munch also considered her children when making these adults-only Chocolate Mocha Fondants (best enjoyed when the little darlings are sound asleep).

Chocolate Mocha Fondants

Jacqui at Where The Wind Blows Me also felt like fondant, but generously shared her Fondant au Mocha with her pals at Perth’s Clandestine Cake Club.

Fondant au Mocha

Vivian Pang fiddled with one of her favourite recipes to produce this deep, dark Cocoa Condensed Milk Cake, which looks like a real crowd-pleaser too.

Cocoa Condensed Milk Cake

Need a break from all that cake? Righto then. Sink your teeth into this Chocolate and Raspberry Tiramisu made by Maggie from Kitchen Delights.

Chocolate and Raspberry Tiramisu

 Or you could try this delightfully Irish version of the Italian favourite – Chris from Cooking Around The World came up with this Galway Irish Coffee Tiramisu. Mamma mia!

Galway Irish Coffee Tiramisu

This elegant Affogato from the ever-creative Debby at Cooking Up A Storm In A Teacup will also revive you after a hard afternoon spent ogling pictures of cakes on your PC.


The chocolate-loving Lapin d’Or And More also opted for something stylish from the Continent – Bicerin, as inspired by David Lebovitz. I’ll take two, thanks.


I’m not sure how you pronounce these, but Under The Bluegum Tree has surely outdone herself with these heavenly Cardamom-scented Vetkoek Twists with a Chocolate and Coffee Dipping Sauce.

Cardamom-scented Vetkoek Twists with a Chocolate and Coffee Dipping SauceHo

How do you make a Swiss roll? Push him off an alp, of course! Or, you could make like Anuja at Simply Baking and turn a Swiss roll into a Swiss Roll Ice Cream Cake.

Swiss Roll Ice Cream Cake

Some bird calling herself The Kitchenmaid went all white trash and made White Mocha Fudge with instant coffee and condensed milk (and had to be forcibly restrained from eating it all).

White Mocha Fudge

But she was pleased that she’d paced herself, because then she happened across dashing Dom at Belleau Kitchen and his Coffee and Chocolate Meringues. Yum!

Coffee & Chocolate Meringues

She also couldn’t say no to one of Alli from Pease Pudding’s Chocolate Espresso Melting Moment Cookies. I mean, look at them – you want one, don’t you?

Chocolate Espresso Melting Moment Cookies

I don’t know about you, but I need a run around the block and cup of peppermint tea. Come back tomorrow for another heapin’ helping of the June We Should Cocoa challenge.

Have a great weekend, everyone x



  1. June 28, 2012 / 8:01 pm

    Fantastic Lucy, thank you so much. A lovely write up for all the entries and with such a mammoth task you had to boot – you've taken WSC to a new level. Lots of lovely things here and I'm sure I can adapt most of them to not include ……. coffee!

  2. June 28, 2012 / 8:09 pm

    Who knew you could do so much with coffee! Fantastic round up and thanks for the kind words glad you liked the camper!

  3. June 29, 2012 / 12:48 am

    Thanx for afFabulous roundup! wow cant wait to visit all!!

  4. June 29, 2012 / 4:52 am

    So many impressive recipes and bang on write up. Love them all but must admit I'd be diving into the Rasberry tiramisu first! Yum!

  5. June 29, 2012 / 8:37 am

    wowzers… what a fantastic part 1… !!! its so good to have so many different coffee recipes!… I am going to bookmark these pages for when I need a coffee cake hit!

  6. June 29, 2012 / 8:51 am

    They all look decadently scrummy. But I have to say my two favourites are the Chocolate and Raspberry Tiramisu and the Galway Irish Coffee Tiramisu. I was thinking about what else to make for brunch with friends this weekend, well, I certainly know now! Cheers.

  7. June 29, 2012 / 10:11 am

    Wow what fabulous entries! Its enough to make a person dash out for chocolate (and coffee!). I made an Opera cake for the challenge, but then forgot to post it (waaah), but the family had fun eating it anyway. Have a good weekend! Becks xxx

  8. June 29, 2012 / 12:02 pm

    What a fabulous round-up! I can't wait to see the rest of the entries, but I agree that a cup of peppermint tea to recover might be in order first…

  9. June 29, 2012 / 4:08 pm

    Wow! Not surprised you need something a little calming after all that. They look beautiful and got the lovely write up they deserve!

  10. June 29, 2012 / 8:26 pm

    Agree about the lovely write-up – entertained me with my morning cuppa, thanks!

  11. July 1, 2012 / 8:16 am

    ah, thats not my picture. I mean it is, but thats not the cake I made. Musta sent the wrong one… oops.

  12. July 1, 2012 / 10:40 am

    The food photography alone is enough to add ten pounds to the hip region … what an excellent turn-out for WSC … your job this month has been phenomenal, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!

  13. July 1, 2012 / 2:11 pm

    Wow, what a lot of fabulous entries. Will be bookmarking to come back again. Off to look at Part 2 now.

  14. July 2, 2012 / 3:06 am

    Hi Jacqui – sorry, that was my error – I was just completely transfixed by that pic in your post! Have changed it accordingly…

  15. July 3, 2012 / 3:59 pm

    OMG! I KNOW how hard this is Lucy as In had 54 entries once for Tea Time Treats and I had to do the round up in 2 parts! LOVELY LOVELY round up and well done you for such a GREAT ingredient! Karen xxx

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