Actually, it’s the afternoon before Christmas but that doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. I’m sorry to boast to readers in the northern hemisphere, but it’s a glorious day here – blue skies, red pohutukawa, all those Antipodean festive cliches coming true.
In usual fashion I am doing a lot of things at once: gardening, parenting, making panettone to this recipe for breakfast tomorrow, making Summer Pudding for dinner tomorrow night and glazing the ham. I hope your preparations are going well, or that whoever is doing the preparing for you is bearing up. Be a darling and pour them a glass of champagne, will you?
The annual Christmas (cheese) cake-making shot |
And if things aren’t going so well, console yourself with the fact that I burned our Christmas cake yesterday. That’ll teach me for leaving it until the last minute, won’t it? Then again, maybe it won’t.
In any case, a very Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine,
Lucy x
Happy Christmas to you Lucy!
It's a rainy and cold Christmas Eve morning here but I am happily making stuffing and planning to mandoline 3kg of potatoes for a mega gratin 🙂 Homemade cranberry sauce is just done. All is well.
Lovely to see a pic of your wee girl and master Cheesecake stirrer 🙂
Have a good one and say hi to that sunshine for me.
love Rhi x
How weird…I've just published a post entitled 'the night before christmas" oh well great minds and all that.
wow the weather sounds amazing…it's milder than it was here but rain forecast and there have been more floods…
sorry about the cake it's so easy to do. But the summer pudding and panetone sound amazing.
it's too late and anything I haven't done now is going to have to wait until tomorrow…just wrap two more gifts put them under the tree and then bed…
Hope yours is a merry one too…with your lovely family…Debx
ps I've just checked out your video and retweeted it. you make it all look so easy. awesome. I'll be looking out for more.
Lovely photo! How grown wee girl is! Happy Christmas to you three.xoxoxo
Hope that the pre-Christmas preparations paid off and you basked in the sunshine and the knowledge that after all you were right about the weather :o) Happy Christmas
aww cute pic – hope you had a great christmas – and christmas cakes are made for trimming so I am sure the burn could be edited out 🙂