Five easy spring meals

It’s spring! Proper spring – with balmy temperatures, early rising birds and new buds appearing in the garden. Well, it was like that a few days ago. Now we’re back to tempestuous winds, lashing rain and that horrible greyness, but I’ve got high hopes.

Spring Daffodil Photo: Lucy Corry

It’s too soon for asparagus and the little lambs arriving in paddocks near you are too small for the cooking pot, but there are lots of other spring-y things to eat. Here are five easy spring dinners to add to your repertoire…

1. Superfood Salad: It’s got quinoa, broccoli and other spring-y, crunchy things to make you feel like frolicking in the sun. What more do you need?

Leon-Style Superfood Salad

2. Tray-baked Lamb and Potatoes: This is really good for those ‘I can’t think what to have for dinner’ evenings, which occur in our house at least once a week. Everything goes in the oven in one dish and there’s minimal cleaning up (even the non-cooks can make this one).

Easy Greek Lamb And Potatoes

3. Spring Cauliflower Soup: Cauliflower has had a bit of a renaissance of late, thanks to the craze for turning it into a pizza crust, but I think it’s unbeatable in this simple and healthy cauliflower soup.

Detox Cauliflower Soup

4. Simple Smoked Fish And Rice: This is another one-pot wonder, handy when you’ve been out in the garden tackling six months’ worth of weeding.

Easy Smoky Fish And Rice

5. Little lamb burgers: If you’re blessed with a beautiful spring day, cook these outside on your (long-neglected) barbecue. If it’s ‘sit inside by the heater weather’, they can be baked or pan-fried indoors.

Little Lamb Mince Burgers

What are your plans for this spring? 



  1. September 6, 2014 / 9:26 am

    oh and we're just going into Autumn and I cannot wait, although these dishes are looking so gorgeous I may just have to have a mini Spring revival this weekend

  2. September 6, 2014 / 9:46 pm

    Lovely to see you springing into spring, reminds me that it is coming here too in about six months! Thing is some of the Spring and Autumn food is pretty much the same, just like the weather. Lovely meal suggestions.

  3. September 8, 2014 / 3:32 am

    we have just had the most gorgeous spring weather this weekend past but apparently rain is on the way – have washing on the line – t-shirt and sandals – love being able to throw open the doors and walk barefoot at home – and I have cauliflower soup on the brain for dinner so your spring dinners are timely for me

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